Saturday 20 June 2009

Introducing Quilker

Let's see.
Ah yes.
My name is quilker.

My role in the group is to help translate Chinese raws, or to clean, or to typeset, or to qc.
Well, actually, I don't really have a very well defined role.
I just do whatever Kansaki/Seppuku ask me to.

I like watching anime and reading manga, although nowadays I mostly do the latter, because i don't have much time for the former. I like pretty much all shounen manga, so you can imagine my reaction when they told me we'd be doing shoujo manga. Well, it's not like it's a big deal anyway, since we're supposed to move onto shounen manga sometime in the future.

Right now it's just the three of us Kansaki, Seppuku and yours truly.
Please look forward to our releases.

P.S. Kansaki and Seppuku are scary.
They go boom if you don't listen to them.
Have you seen a nuclear explosion? That kind of boom.
With the whole mushroom cloud and thing.

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