Thursday 11 June 2009

Welcome to Marimo-Box!

Welcome to the first edition of The Marimo Blog, the official website of Marimo-Box! We are currently a private speedscan project developed and maintained by Kansaki and Seppuku. We aim to deliver good quality manga scans in the shortest amount of time possible, allowing readers to enjoy manga chapters nearly immediately after their initial release in Japan.
In the consequent posts, you'll find group updates, reviews, and the occasional rant from our passionate and exceptionally violent staff. :)

So, without further delay, bring forth - The Marimo Blog!

First off, I'm Kansaki, and I'll be co-writing this blog together with fellow scanlator Seppuku. I am a ninja/assassin/clone currently working for a top secret military base located in Alaska. I love watching anime and J-dramas, among other things, and find myself, unfortunately, to be quite the fangirl at times.
My co-writer, Seppuku, will be introducing himself shortly.

Pleasant evening everyone! I smell marshmallows. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Graahahhaa. Marshmallows. Can you even smell that?
